
Tamra Zeller
Updated on August 1st, 2023

Popular Questions on Addiction Therapy

Do you have questions about therapy for treating addiction? Thinking of going for online drug counseling but aren’t so sure? Here are answers to the most asked questions about these things and more.

What Is Addiction Therapy and How Does It Work?

It’s a treatment where a patient works with a mental health expert to overcome dependence and form better habits. The therapy addresses behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, mental health issues, and environmental causes of addiction. Usually, the therapist assesses the patient’s problem and develops a treatment plan and goals for therapy.

What is Addiction Therapy Used For?

This type of therapy is used for overcoming dependence. This dependence may be on a drug, harmful substance, activity, behavior, or alcohol. The goal of therapy is to help an addict live a drug-free life.

Does Addiction Therapy Really Work?

Yes. Apart from addressing the underlying causes of dependence, therapy also offers a support system. Addicts are much more likely to stay accountable when they have an expert guiding them.

How Do You Feel After Addiction Therapy?

Completing therapy and overcoming an addiction usually a freeing feeling. You are no longer plagued by intense desires for drugs and have more control over your life. It may also feel overwhelming as you now have to maintain your recovery alone.

What Are the Risks of Addiction Therapy?

While therapy has several benefits, it also carries the risk of taking too long or backfiring. The therapist can guide you on the path to follow to beat your addiction. However, you should also have a willingness to change.

Tamra Zeller
Tamra Zeller

Master of Counseling, LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) from the University of Phoenix. Undergraduate degree: BS in Psychology from the University of Maryland overseas in both Italy and Germany

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