Best Online Anxiety Therapy

Tamra Zeller
Updated on November 28th, 2023

What Is Anxiety and How to Deal with It?

Anxiety is a biological response to stress. Typically, the brain perceives dangers around and goes into either a fight or flight mode. It happens when the brain triggers the body instinctively without the presence of any threats around.

It is usual for human beings to experience anxiety. An example is how work triggers stress levels for employees. A certain degree of anxiety plays an instrumental role in keeping us alert. However, when you experience it for over six months continuously, it could be something else.

What Is an Anxiety Disorder?

Humans experience anxiety due to different triggers in the environment. Moving to a new house or school can be a trigger. The feeling might be unpleasant, but it acts as a motivation to overcome things. It is normal to have such episodes daily due to various triggers in the environment. Most people overcome ordinary anxiety unknowingly.

An anxiety disorder is an over the towering sensation that sticks with someone for a long time. Imagine feeling anxious throughout the day? It is an intense feeling that affects many people. When experiencing an anxiety disorder, it becomes hard to focus on other aspects of your life. It prevents you from taking part in different daily activities you were used to. The more you ignore the disorder, the deeper and worse it gets.

A common characteristic of emotional breakdown is due to an anxiety disorder. It affects any person despite age. Recent research proves that women have a high likelihood of suffering from the condition than men.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety results in a host of various disorders faced by other people. Here is a list of common disorders that come with the disorder.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

A common symptom for people diagnosed with the GAD includes worries and fears that derail from their daily activities. The person feels like something terrible is going to happen. Diagnosis of such a disorder can result in physical symptoms such as:

  • Restlessness;
  • Insomnia;
  • Fatigue;
  • Stomach upsets.

Panic Attacks and Disorders

A common trait shown by people diagnoses with the disorder is the constant occurrence of panic attacks. The patients often develop a fear of experiencing a panic attack. A panic disorder is known to result in agoraphobia. It refers to a state when the patient feels helpless when they cannot find help if a panic attack happens. Patients exhibiting agoraphobic are highly advised to avoid public spaces that act as triggers.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

It is characterized by thoughts of fears that seem beyond the control of the patient. Patients diagnosed with OCD tend to display a typical pattern in their actions and behaviors. It is common for people diagnosed with such conditions to suffer from uncontrolled compulsions. Suffering from OCD leads to patients acting in a particular manner.

Irrational Phobias

Phobia refers to an unexplained feat towards an event or situation without any root causes for danger. The most common kinds of fears shared by many people include heights, snakes, and darkness. People with irrational phobias go to extreme lengths in avoiding the particular event. By avoiding the fears, it only strengthens the fears.


It touches on the traumatic events that touched on a person’s life. Common triggers for PTSD include flashbacks and nightmares. A patient with PTSD tends to withhold from the rest while having a high vigilance level of their environment.

Separation Anxiety Disorder

It occurs when a patient shifts from their familiar environment or situation into a new one. The clingy feeling tends to cloud the patient resulting in the disorder. A good example occurs with children relocating from their homes and schools. It creates a lonely sense for the children, and the void increases daily.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Different people have different experiences when it comes to online anxiety help. In most cases, people tend to develop stomach butterflies to increasing breathing rates. In rare cases, patients feel disconnected from themselves.

Other patients tend to go through panic attacks, nightmares, and traumatic memories. The triggers for the response towards an event derives from one’s life. Common related symptoms that relate to the anxiety include:

  • Restlessness;
  • Increased breathing;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Fatigue;
  • Difficulties concentrating.

Anxiety Attacks

It refers to an overwhelming feeling caused by fear, distress, or worry. It will get worse when an actual event happens. Symptoms of anxiety attacks vary from patient to patient. It is because different people have different triggers. Here are common symptoms experienced by people:

  • Fear;
  • Stress;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Numbness;
  • Restlessness;
  • Short breaths;

What Is Online Anxiety Therapy?

The therapy refers to an online communication platform with a legit health professional with knowledge of anxiety disorders. The professional anxiety therapist guides a patient through their daily lives in the therapy sessions. Some mediums used for communication during the online therapy sessions consist of:

  • Phone calls;
  • Texts;
  • Live Chat;
  • Emails;
  • Video Chats.

The therapy is a substantial step-up from the basic in-therapy sessions. Once an online user signs up to the therapy service, they choose their health expert to work with. The therapy forms an intricate journey for the patient and health professional that goes a long way in treating the disorder. Both in-person therapy and online therapy play a significant role in the treatment of anxiety in patients.

How Does Online Anxiety Counseling Work?

The online therapy works through scheduling online therapy sessions with therapists. No matter the online medium you select for the online therapy platform, the treatment process is similar to face-to-face therapy. You form a good bond with a therapist with immense knowledge about anxiety. You have regular online therapy conversations with the therapist on how your day or week has been. You get the chance to spill out the events that occurred in your life that triggered your anxiety online.

The online therapy works similar to in-person sessions where you book an appointment. The online therapy sessions have a timer. The online therapist leads you through the process of opening up. You end up discussing your feelings and current state of mind. The therapy conversations are profound as they look into your depression and underlying mental health issues.

Some online therapy platforms offer advanced services to suit the needs and preferences of clients. It includes email-based help for online therapy sessions. The online therapist and patient exchange messages with responses through email. You have the chance to schedule your online therapy sessions to work with the therapist.

How Can a Social Anxiety Therapist Near Me Help?

Different techniques play a significant role in helping ease severe anxiety. Here are various techniques proved to help with severe anxiety.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

It is an effective method used in the treatment of anxiety disorders. It helps in recognizing patterns in one’s behaviors that relate to a particular disorder. It aims at looking into triggers and events that activate your anxiety.

Group Therapy

It is a therapy support system that involves meeting with other people that share similar anxiety disorders. Through the sharing of experiences, one becomes empowered to overcome or phase through the disorder.

Online Therapy

The therapy refers to online platforms that extend their services to patients with anxiety disorders from different areas. The online platform connects patients seeking help to professional therapists with field experience through their website. The online option is a convenient method of receiving treatment, unlike in-person sessions that depend on pre-scheduled appointments.


Mostly are prescribed by licensed and authorized medical professionals. The medicine prescription suits the patients whenever they experience episodes of anxiety. Readily available medicine gives patients a sense of power over their condition. It gives patients the freedom to continue with their daily activities without fear of attacks while in public.

Can an Online Anxiety Psychiatrist or Psychologist Help?

Licensed online psychologists have high-level training to help patients find effective ways of coping with anxiety. Through online therapy sessions, a psychologist becomes better equipped to understand triggers for a patient. Furthermore, the online psychologist can learn how the patient’s thought patterns increase or reduce their likelihood of anxiety.

Online psychologists can advise on techniques used in reducing undesirable behaviors that result in symptoms of anxiety. Patients feel motivated to approach activities and events that trigger your anxiety. Overcoming their fears increases their outcomes of powering their triggers. Online psychotherapy can help a patient to control their motivations.

How Much Does Online Anxiety Therapy Cost?

Most online therapist sessions charge less compared to in-person sessions. With in-person therapy, the overall price includes the rental of space and other related costs. Online sessions cut down on these expenses. The cost-effective nature of the online sessions makes it an affordable option for patients. The fact you can have your online sessions at the comfort of your home makes it more cost-efficient.

Why the Best Therapist for Anxiety Is Perfect for You

You will get the best out of online anxiety therapy by working with an expert online therapist by your side. It would help if you connected with the online therapist at a deeper level for the best results for your case. Online therapy helps patients with anxiety attacks when in public. You do not need to step out of the comfort of your home to get the services online. Here is a breakdown of what you stand to gain from online anxiety therapy.

Variety of Therapists

The best part about the therapy online is the freedom handed to patients in choosing their therapists. You get to vet different online therapists in the line of anxiety therapy before selecting your preferred one.

Safe and Secure

Your online sessions with the therapist are confidential and secure from third parties. You can try video conferencing for complete therapy sessions with your therapist. You will be guided on the online therapy sessions before starting it.


Unlike in-person therapy where you have to take into account travel expenses to the brick and mortar office, with online therapy, it saves the costs. You do not need to travel to the precise location to get you mental help.

Final Ideas on Whether You Should or Not Rely on Online Therapists

Online anxiety therapy is a top priority proven to be highly effective for patients. You stand a high chance of addressing your anxiety issues by engaging an online therapist. Try DrMental Company that offers customized anxiety help for patients. You are joining a long line of millions of patients in therapy with mental illness around the globe that are seeking online help.

Tamra Zeller
Tamra Zeller

Master of Counseling, LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) from the University of Phoenix. Undergraduate degree: BS in Psychology from the University of Maryland overseas in both Italy and Germany

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