Best Phone Therapy

Catherine Cain
Updated on September 15th, 2023

Phone Therapy: An Effective Treatment for Mental Health Issues

Phone therapy is an excellent way to keep mental issues under control amid daily stresses and pressures. Over the last decade, this form of counseling has gained much popularity, thanks to benefits such as increased client commitment, accessibility, and anonymity.

Phone counseling is available for all. Kids, teenagers, and adults can receive support for an array of issues from a licensed psychologist. Phone therapy can help with various problems, from depression and stress to grief and anxiety. The idea here is, if conventional therapy can help with something, phone counseling will as well.

According to various studies, over the phone therapy has proven to be just as effective as its traditional counterpart. In some conditions (e.g., depression), this kind of treatment is seen as more productive. Given these developments, more people are now willing to embrace it as a viable solution for their mental health problems.

Phone Counseling Definition and Features

Phone counseling refers to an array of psychological services delivered over the phone. It can take various forms, ranging from individuals, couples, and groups. The rapid advancements in mobile communications, coupled with an increase in tech-savvy populations, have spurred this treatment’s popularity.

With phone therapy, psychotherapists and their clients can connect at more convenient times. However, to be most effective, phone therapy must allow for the following:

  • Tracking of client emotions;
  • Easy, effective communication between phone therapy seekers and providers;
  • Psychological assistance.

To access telephone counseling, people must do some things. First, the client will have to respond to a series of questions. These help the provider to determine the best expert for a specific situation. Still, some providers allow their users to pick psychotherapists by themselves.

After being connected to a licensed practitioner, people can start sending messages explaining their issues. Users do not have to worry about reaching a threshold since most providers come with limitless messaging. Moreover, some services permit their users to reach out via video and audio.

Therapy seekers can seek psychotherapy at any time. However, if the company or service specifies its work hours, users can expect responses only within the clarified duration. In the case of real-time messaging, users are in a position to communicate their problems on the go.

How long are the phone therapy sessions? The duration of treatment meetings will depend on the provider. However, often, these appointments last anywhere between 30 minutes to an hour. With some services, it possible to customize the duration for phone therapy meetings as per personal preferences.

For many users, sticking to phone counseling is easier. There is no need to commute or stick to a specific time for therapy. Besides, with phone therapy, users can stay anonymous, making it easier to talk about their problems.

Answers to Frequent Questions About Telephone Therapy

Phone therapy is still a new concept to most people, even though it has been there for some years. So, you may have questions and concerns about it. Here is are some answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject:

What Is Online Phone Therapy?

Online phone therapy the practice of offering counseling services on the phone via the internet. The client applies for therapy services and gets connected to a therapist on a website or app. Once enrolled, a person can then attend counseling sessions via live messaging, email, video call, and chat room. Like in-person therapy, online therapy is usually conducted by licensed and experienced therapists.

The main advantage of online phone therapy is that sessions can be as frequent and flexible as you want. Many online therapy providers allow clients to initiate sessions whenever they need to speak to a therapist. Others permit you to leave a message for your therapist, via a secure line and get a response later. Online teletherapy is an option that can be used by individuals, couples, and even teens.

How Do I Find an Online Phone Therapist?

You can find a therapist that can attend to you via phone in many ways. Currently, there are thousands of therapists who have moved or expanded their operations to the phone. The easiest way to find suggestions is to do an online search. You can also ask for a referral from a relative, friend, or colleague.

However, finding the right therapist for your particular needs isn’t always easy. If you’d like some recommendations, we’ve shared some of the best phone counseling services below. When searching, picking, and vetting a therapist, remember to check the following:

  • The therapist possesses the proper credentials and is licensed by your state licensing board;
  • What payment options are accepted and if insurance is an option;
  • If the website conducts sessions in a secure and comfortable environment (in line with HIPAA standards);
  • The duration and frequency of the sessions to see how work and personal life can be adjusted to accommodate them;
  • That the therapist has a solid background and good reviews from clients.

Where Can I Get a Phone Therapist?

You can get call therapy from an online therapy service. There are many services that are well-known and respected in online therapy. These websites usually offer a variety of licensed therapists in different specialties spread across the entire country. You can also find standalone online phone counselors, but their operations are typically limited to a particular niche or location.

Is Online Phone Counseling Really Effective?

Phone counseling can be just as effective as in-person therapy. The advantage of counseling over call or messaging is that the clients can contact a therapist at any time. So, they get help when they need it most on the phone rather than scheduling a session several days in advance. For some people, teletherapy gives them the confidence to talk about their issues as they don’t the therapist in person.

How Much Does Online Phone Counseling Cost?

The cost of speaking to a counselor on the phone varies from service to service. The price also fluctuates with the phone channels you choose and how many sessions you register for at a time. However, the cost online therapy (ranging around $59 to $99 a week) is much more affordable than in-office sessions. A traditional therapy session can cost up to $250, depending on your city.

How Phone Therapy Works, Tips for Finding the Right Therapist and More

How does therapy over the telephone work? Is it the right option for you, and if so, how can you identify the perfect phone therapist? Get all this information and more.

How is Phone Therapy Conducted?

Therapy sessions over the phone have grown tremendously over the last few years with many success stories. But how do you start talking to a therapist on the phone? Many counselors deliver therapy that is administered over text messages, phone calls, live chat, or email.


Text therapy is a form of mental health counseling whereby you text a therapist anytime from your phone. The therapist then responds once or twice within the day. Text therapy is a suitable method for people looking to air their issues to a professional as they occur. New forms of text therapy may include live chat sessions on a website or app.


Call therapy is another form of phone counseling administered alone or along with text and video sessions. The client registers with a therapy website, and a call is scheduled. The therapist then calls the client at the pre-appointed time and conducts a session. The cost of call therapy depends on the length and number of sessions.

Live Video Sessions

Video therapy is a method of providing therapeutic services through video conferencing. This type of treatment is closest to traditional counseling in that you talk face to face in a live setting. These sessions can be anywhere from 30-60 minutes long every once in a week.


Like text messaging, email therapy involves correspondence with a licensed counselor, psychologist, or therapist via messages. Email therapy may be synchronous or asynchronous. You agree with your therapist on a time and day chat over email within that specified time. For asynchronous, there’s a delayed time between responses where both of you have time to think about replies.

Advantages of Phone Therapy

Phone counseling presents an array of benefits. For one, it saves time and money since clients do not have to travel to and from meetings. Moreover, this form of treatment is more convenient because users can access psychological support from the comfort of their locations.

Another benefit of this kind of therapy is anonymity. Users do not have to reveal their details to access treatment. Still, some providers allow their clients to hide their faces from view during video meetings.

With phone therapy, it is also possible to have meetings on the go. People can access support as soon as things pop into their minds. This way, treatment becomes more effective.

Limitations of Teletherapy

While there’re many benefits, there’re several reasons why therapy seekers might hesitate to seek phone counseling. Here are some of them.

  • Cost. Some insurance providers do not cover this form of treatment. Consequently, footing the bill for meetings can be quite expensive.
  • Privacy. Telephone therapy is held to the same HIPAA standards as conventional therapy. However, many people are still reluctant to share their details online.
  • Technology. When the signal is weak or reception poor, delivering and accessing treatment becomes a nightmare, or worse still, impractical.
  • Distractions. The psychotherapist cannot control the environment of the user. So, if any distractions arise, delivering therapy to the patient can be quite challenging.

Practical Tips to Help You Find the Right Telephone Therapist

When it comes to phone therapy, the real benefit can only be realized when you partner with the right expert. These are the things you need to do to ensure that you find the perfect practitioner:

  • Extensive research;
  • Check the experience of the expert;
  • Contact the psychotherapist early to iron out any issues beforehand;
  • Check the expert’s license and insurance;
  • Change your therapist if things do not work.

Parting Shot

Seeking assistance for any psychological issue is the first step to addressing it. No matter how strong we think we are, on our own, it becomes quite challenging to deal with our problems. Take charge of your life by getting the right phone therapy. While at it, remember to be honest and welcoming of the support you get. This way, the treatment becomes a success.

If you need some more information, feel free to explore our website. At DrMental, you’ll find comprehensive explanations of psychotherapy services and their benefits. Moreover, there’s a vast library of useful information about psychology and therapy.

Catherine Cain
Catherine Cain

I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) that specializes in early childhood disabilities from attachment disorders, ADHD, autism, oppositional defiance disorder, asperger’s, anxiety, depression, etc. to adult disabilities including depression, bipolar, borderline personality disorder, anxiety, and more.

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