Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Elizabeth Walker
Updated on September 1st, 2023

What Is the Diagnosis for GAD Anxiety?

The diagnosis process for generalized anxiety disorder starts with the screening process undertaken by a medical practitioner. The medical practitioner questions your medical history and the length of symptoms experienced. A psychologist can come as a recommendation upon completion of the screening process.

A medical practitioner might suggest a GAD exam for determining the in-depth issues that might necessitate the anxiety. The underlying issues for anxiety have a close link with other diseases such as:

  • Heart disease;
  • Menopause;
  • Thyroid disorders;
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The tests will help the medical practitioner know whether there are more underlying issues or the substance abuse condition. Most tests can come open by the practitioner that involves:

  • Blood tests for checking hormone status;
  • Urine tests specifically meant for checking any case of substance abuse.

Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder a Mental Illness?

Yes. Generalized anxiety disorder is a type of generalized anxiety condition, such as panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and other related phobias. It carries varying symptoms like the rest of the mental health illnesses. Fortunately, it is treatable through the use of psychotherapy or different forms of medication.

How Long Does GAD Last?

Most people with generalized anxiety disorder can experience continuous worrying that lasts up to six months. The more interactions such people make, the worse it gets for them. They become exposed to new triggers that end up elongating the symptom carrying stage.

What Does Generalized Anxiety Disorder Feel Like?

Life with a generalized anxiety disorder is a real challenge for many people. Even though the anxiety is less compared to a panic attack, it lasts for longer. A person that suffers from GAD cannot take control of their lives. Individuals can never be relaxed in any situation. It can prove to be exhausting to an individual.

After going through an episode of anxiety, a person is noticed to be feeling exhausted and drained. The GAD completely wears down your body while interfering with your sleep patterns. A patient starts suffering from insomnia, and this leads to depression. You worry about things normal people worry about, but yours is taken to another level. You start getting exaggerated impressions on people’s comments or reactions about public life. A person can live with a generalized anxiety disorder for a long time without their knowledge.

How Bad Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

GAD has similar symptoms compared to having a panic disorder. A person living with generalized anxiety disorder can prove it to be a long-term challenge. The GAD is accompanied by varying mood changes. The best news is that the condition can change through counseling sessions. Learning new coping skills and adopting a new lifestyle help are other recommendations for coping.

Is Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatable?

Despite the unknown cause of generalized anxiety disorder, there is a treatment plan that works for different people. Here is a list of some common approaches used by professionals in catering for generalized anxiety disorder.


It involves holding regular sessions with a health expert to talk through issues. The therapy sessions’ main intention of figuring out what lingers in your mind when feeling anxious. Unknowingly to many, our thoughts and behaviors largely influence our daily activities. The approach aims to ensure a change in the way people approach different things in life.

It is a highly considered first therapy treatment session for a myriad of anxiety disorders. Recent research uncovered the CBT program’s potential in offering long-term benefits for reducing anxiety tendencies.

The therapy sessions open up a person with deep conversations behind the individual’s background. Your mental health doctor can help in opening your anxious thoughts. You can adopt controlling styles for your thoughts to avoid becoming anxious when thinking about various life events. You can learn coping techniques when the anxiety episodes start to show up.


It is not routine for a medical practitioner to prescribe drugs for mental health disorders. However, if an individual is having trouble coping with symptoms, they can prescribe some drugs. A doctor can prescribe a short-term treatment plan to a patient if the situation worsens.

Anti-anxiety drugs are commonly used for reducing the harmful episodes for an individual. However, long-term use is not good for your health since it brings outside effects that add to the symptoms.

Finding the Right Therapist

Positive outcomes from the psychotherapy are attributed to working with professional medical practitioners. It would help if you worked with a therapist you feel comfortable opening up to. Despite the cost, you should ensure the therapist is experienced in matching the price. The therapist will offer fair pricing for the sessions. The session goes a long way in understanding your situation and exploring the underlying issues. A proper treatment plan can be availed for the patient or a medication plan.

DrMental Company is part of the growing GAD online website directory services that help individuals learn about highly trained therapists in generalized anxiety disorder. The therapist will work together with you through top-recommended counseling sessions. You will find the proper approach for your case, whether CBT or medication. Furthermore, information on DrMental helps you in making the right decision when it comes to your health.

Elizabeth Walker
Elizabeth Walker

For Elizabeth, mental health is a personal story. She is an author who provides innovative, creative, and engaging content on topics such as stress management, emotional wellness, relationships, etc. She enjoys creating a useful content to empower people and uses personal experience to help others on their journey to recovery.

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